About Us

South Coast Vintage Car Club of Wollongong established in 1969, proud member’s are concierges of their own historical and classic vehicles, a nostalgia to restore, swap, exchange parts, drive, display our collections is the synergy we all adore and proudly going beyond to maintain our collectibles. Our vision is to collaborate with other likeminded folk, this cooperation aims to preserving our automotive history in Australia, keeping the dream alive for everyone to enjoy and reminisce. The attraction these vehicles bring allows folk to inspect and enjoy seeing these vehicles motoring along to regular car club and public events, we invite people from all ages to engage in conversation about its history, getting involved or starting their own venture. We aim to:

  • maintain a group of enthusiasts and owners to encourage the restoration,
  • preservation and use of veteran, vintage, and classic vehicles.
  • collect and disseminate as widely the information relative to historical vehicles.
  • maintain a register of vehicles within the club to contain as accurate a record as practicable of ownership, restoration work, mechanical and body changes if any, and repairs.
  • maintain a library of literature applicable to the cars acceptable to the club.
  • maintain a reference to parts available for veteran, vintage, and classical vehicles, new and used.
  • encourage and foster correct driving and maintenance of veteran, vintage, and classical vehicles.
  • engage in events intended to demonstrate the capabilities of the vehicles in the club and to display them to their advantage.
  • maintain a meeting room for the members to use as a venue for monthly meetings of the club.
  • offer the services of the club, its members, and vehicles to such charitable or not for profit organisations as occurs from time to time.
  • promote and encourage a high standard of driving and road courtesy, applicable to the vehicles of the club.
  • engage in such other activities associated or allied with all or any one of the above objects, which may be intended or calculated to promote a better understanding of historical vehicles, all of these in the club and among the public.

Our current membership is around 260 members, we welcome newcomers who like to join, become interested in adopting an historic vehicle for restoration or restore a classic vehicle you can drive on our car club runs, occasionally we have available vehicles on offer.

Refer to our Buy Swap Sell page Historic vehicles may be registered under the Conditional Registration Scheme. The conditional registration of historic vehicles is referred to as the Historic Vehicle Scheme (HVS), this was developed and approved in consultation with industry in the state of New South Wales. For more information visit the Transport NSW website for details regarding eligibility and conditions of use. Factsheet

Member’s vehicles are not permissible for hire or reward, those seeking historic vehicles for weddings or private events, please consult a reputable proprietor who hires commercial historical vehicles for all occasions – registered car clubs vehicles are for leisure use only. The South Coast Vintage Car Club Inc. is affiliated with CMC and the CHMC

‘The Klaxon’ is our registered periodical journal, magazine circulated monthly to registered members and car clubs alike.